How To Treat Swallow Gums?


Once your gums become swollen, they may protrude or bulge out. Gum swallow usually begins where the gum meets the tooth. A Swollen gum appears red instead of their normal pink color.

Swollen gums also called with another name gingival swelling, are often irritated, sensitive, or painful. Many times you will notice that your gums bleed more easily when brushing or flossing your teeth.


What Causes Swollen Gums?


Gingivitis - It is the most common cause of swollen gums. It causes your gums to become irritated and swollen.

Pregnancy - Gums swallowing common things during pregnancy, gums swallowing common things. The rush flow of hormones in your body produces during pregnancy may increase the blood flow in your gums.

Malnutrition – Deficiency of vitamins, especially vitamins B and C in the body can cause gum swelling.

Infection - Fungal infection and viruses can potentially cause swollen gums.


How To Get Rid Of Inflamed Gums?


  • Brush up on your brushing technique. Brushless vigorously to avoid damaging the tissue around your teeth, which can inflame gums.
  • Improve your nutrition by consuming a well-balanced diet can contribute to better gum health. Make sure to get plenty of Vitamin C and calcium, which can minimize the 2018/12/05/040851likelihood of experiencing swollen gums.
  • Medical treatment - If your gums are swollen for more than two weeks, you should talk to your Downtown Toronto dentist.

 Home treatment

  • Treat swollen gums with care. Here are some tips for at-home care:
  • Soothe your gums by brushing and flossing gently, so you don’t irritate them.
  • Rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution to rid your mouth of bacteria.
  • Drink lots of water. Water will help stimulate the production of saliva, which weakens disease-causing bacteria in the mouth.
  • Avoid irritants, including strong mouthwashes, alcohol, and tobacco.
  • Place a warm compress over your face to lessen gum pain. A cold compress can help decrease swelling.


Berkeley Dental is one the leading Toronto dentist clinic. The clinic functions on the concept of providing a friendly environment and expertise of various specialists in oral and dental problems to provide premium dental care service

Tip To Avoid Most Common Flossing Mistakes



Flossing is one of the essential actions to reduce the risk of oral disease and remove plaque from areas your toothbrush can't reach.  But if you do flossing in wrong way, could actually harm your oral health and even undermine your whole body health, too?

Here are 5 common flossing mistakes that you should avoid.


Avoid Flossing Teeth Roughly

Never floss your teeth roughly and fast, if you do that you can make your gums bleed and cause other dental health issues. Take your time to treat gently your teeth and gums during the flossing process.


Not Flossing the Sides of Both Teeth

When you floss up and down between two teeth, you should keep in mind that you need to clean the side of both teeth. The most favorable place for plaque formation is between two teeth. If you’re only floss from the side of one of the teeth, you could easily get a cavity on the tooth that you’re not flossing.


Flossing Aimlessly

Never floss aimlessly, and unrequired places in your mouth. When you start flossing, you need to know, where flossing is most needed. Otherwise you can quickly become confused and miss some teeth or even a quadrant of your mouth. It may be easiest to start checking from the upper right and go to the upper left, then come down to the lower teeth in the bottom left and move across to the bottom right.


Avoid Floss Same Section of Teeth Every Time

It might seem wasteful, if you floss same place every time. Floss regularly, consider every section of teeth.


Only Using Floss to Remove Food

Most of people think that the only reason for flossing is to remove food that has gotten stuck between their teeth instead of they can’t see the plaque.  When you floss, your primary goal should be remove plaque as much you can, along with that food get automatically removed.


By avoiding these 5 common flossing mistakes, you will be able floss more efficiently and effectively which will lead to greater oral health.  For any kind of oral health problem consult Berkeley Dental- the Downtown Toronto dentist professionals.

How to Avoid Bad Mouth Breath?



Bad breath can be very embarrassing sometimes, it can leave you in an awkward situation that leads to undermining your confidence.

More than 80 million people suffer from bad breath. It can be many causes for bad breath mouth. Such as imbalances in mouth bacteria, dental cavities, gum disease, poor oral hygiene, coated tongue are among the most common. 

It is a common problem with most of the people but there are numerous ways to prevent it. Try these simple steps that can help you fight bad breath as well as keep your mouth healthy on a daily basis.

  • Clean you’re Tongue

One of the reasons for bad breath is the bacterial compound form on your tongue. This compound formed by the combination of bacteria and amino acids. So always clean your tongue regularly for fresh breathing.

  • Brush and Floss More Often

Brush your teeth at least two times each day, and floss at least once. If you're concerned about your breath, do both a little more often.

  • Avoid Foods That Sour Your Breath.

Onions and garlic are big offenders. But brushing after you eat them doesn't help.

  • Try Using Baking Soda

Once in a week you can use Baking Soda to brush your teeth that will help in neutralizing the bacteria that cause bad breath.

  • Use Sugar-Free Gum or Mint

Sugar free gum or mint, these are things that assist you to don’t let your mouth dry. And helps in fast release of saliva in your mouth and helps to remove oral bacteria. They can also cover up bad breath for a short period of time.

  • Quit Smoking And Avoid Tobacco Products

Smoking contributes to bad breath. Smoking tends to dry out your mouth and can leave a miserable smell that lingers even after brushing your teeth.

  • Visit Your Dentist

if your bad breath persists. The best way to make sure that you are maintaining good oral hygiene is to visit Downtown Toronto dentist regularly. If you have chronic bad breath, you should visit your dentist first, they will then investigate the cause of your bad breath.